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Third ENTSO-E CIM for Market Interoperability Test Completed

Published: 30/08/2013


European Transmission System Operators (TSOs), Transmission Capacity Allocators (TCAs), Transmission Capacity Auction Offices and Market Management System (MMS) software providers were invited to participate in the 3rd interoperability test (IOP) on the common information model (CIM) market extension for the electricity market (IEC 62325).

The test aimed to demonstrate that the IEC 62325-451-3 standard satisfies the information requirements for the transmission capacity allocation and nomination process in the European style market profile. The test assessed the compliance of work carried out in IEC 62325-451-3 versus the business requirements defined by ENTSO-E’s capacity allocation and nomination process (ECAN).

Its main objective was to determine whether current ENTSO-E compliant XML instances related to the eight different documents supporting the ECAN process can be processed using the XML Schema Definition (XSD) defined in IEC 62325-451-3. The results of this third IOP test are in line with expectations and the main conclusions are:

  • The work carried out on the IEC 62325-301, IEC 62325-351 and IEC 62325-451-3 is in line with the business requirements;
  • There is no deficiency in the standard;
  • The standard versions include all the capability needed to support the already implemented exchanges for the transmission capacity allocation and nomination business processes implemented within European markets.

The corresponding final IOP report will be published in October 2013. Any questions on the ENTSO-E CIM for the Electricity Market IOP tests should be directed to iop.cim_market@entsoe.eu. For any further information, please contact Ioannis Retsoulis, Data Exchange Standards & Interoperability Advisor.

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