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Interoperability (IOP) Tests

​ENTSO-E plays a leading role in organising CIM interoperability tests related to both grid model and market exchanges.  There are at least two types of interoperability test:

  • Tests to validate a CIM standard as a part of the standard’s development process;
  • Tests to validate the conformity of available software solutions with an approved standard.

The ENTSO-E CIM interoperability tests facilitate the development of CIM standards for both ENTSO-E and IEC. These IOP tests are tailored to ensure adequate representation of important business requirements for TSOs. The tests are also designed to allow vendors to verify the correctness of the interpretation of the CIM standards. The tests directly support ENTSO-E processes towards achieving the objectives of the EU Third Energy Package.

Since 2009, ENTSO-E has organised six large-scale IOP tests for grid models exchange. In 2012, ENTSO-E organised the first IOP on CIM for energy market and began a series of IOPs related to the CIM for European market style. Six IOPs have been organised to date.

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For any further questions on the ENTSO-E CIM related issues, please contact the ENTSO-E Secretariat on cim.iop@entsoe.eu.