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Interoperability Tests

​Interoperability tests (IOP)

ENTSO-E continues improving the CGMES to cover additional requirements defined in the network codes and TSO needs. For this purpose, interoperability tests (IOP) will be organised to verify future versions of the CGMES. IOP 2015 was skipped in order to be able to focus on the actual implementation of the CGMES 2.4 at TSO sites.

In 2016, ENTSO-E conducted, along with European and American vendors and Transmission System Operators (TSOs), a common information model (CIM) interoperability test — ENTSO-E IOP "CIM for System Development and Operations" 2016. The test was held from 11 to 15 July 2016 at ENTSO-E's premises, in Brussels.

The future ENTSO-E CIM-based data exchange format, ENTSO-E Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES), which is based on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CIM standards 61970 (parts 301, 302, 452, 453, 456, 457, 552) and CIM standard 61968 part 4​, was tested in this IOP on a large number of products. The test is a part of the development process of the ENTSO-E Common Grid Model Exchange Specification.

The key goal was to test and validate the latest IEC draft CIM standards on which ENTSO-E bases the new version of the ENTSO-E CGMES. Therefo​re the main objective of the test was to validate the proposal for CIM extensions that will be included in the next CGMES 2.5 version of the IEC and CENELEC standards or specifications and which will be used to support the data exchanges required by the European legislation.​

To validate the proposal for CIM extensions that will be included in the next CGMES 2.5 version of the IEC and CENELEC standards or specifications and which will be used to support the data exchanges required by the European legislation. This is a minor version based on CIM 16 where backwards compatibility is not broken. The extensions are aimed to fulfil modelling gaps in the following main areas:

  • Dynamic modelling
  • Network Model Management (including Frames, Power System Project (meta-data on change set​ and Manifest) Bidding Area and integration with Market Schedules
  • Availability Plan (outage)
  • Operational limits
  • Production (PowerElectronics)
  • Capacity calculations

Issues recorded during the testing and proposed resolutions are included in the IOP report, along with some guidelines on how to implement the CIM standards within the TSO/utility enterprise. Details on the test procedures and discussed topics are included in the report appendices.
IOP participants have approved the report, making it a basis for further discussions in the ENTSO-E Committees as well as in the IEC TC57/WG13. The implementation schedule for the CGMES 2.5 is subject to an ENTSO-E decision later this year.


​​Previous interoperability test  (Fifth - 2014)

ENTSO-E continues improving the CGMES to cover additional requirements defined in the network codes and/or TSO needs. For this purpose, ​interoperability tests (IOP) will be organised to verify future versions of the CGMES. The last IOP test was held in the week of 14 July 2014 which had the following objectives:

  • To validate test configurations (test data) which will be used for the CGMES conformity on version 2.4.14;
  • To resolve reported issues related to CGMES v2.4;
  • To discuss ENTSO-E extensions applicable for the future version of the CGMES. This development is necessary to satisfy the requirements defined in the European network codes.

The IOP reached its objectives.

Related links:

ENTSO-E Conducts Fifth CIM Interoperability Test