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CGMES v2.4.14

​​​Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) v 2.4.14

The Common Grid Model Exchange specfication (CGMES) is a superset of the IEC Common Information Model (CIM) specfication. It was developed to meet necessary requirements for TSO data exchanges in the areas of system development and system operation (e.g. TYNDP and network codes) and was initially published in December 2013.

The CGMES will be used as a baseline exchange specfication for the implementation of the Common Grid Model (CGM) methodologies (according to the requirements for the implementation of various network codes; expected by 2015). The CGMES will be applied by applications dealing with power system data management, as well as applications supporting the following analyses: 

  • load flow and contingency analyses,
  • short circuit calculations,
  • market information and transparency,
  • capacity calculation for capacity allocation and congestion management, and
  • dynamic security assessment.

The conformity of the applications used for operational and system development exchanges with the CGMES is crucial for the needed interoperability of these applications. ENTSO-E therefore developed and approved the CGMES Conformity Assessment Framework as the guiding principles for assessing applications’ CGMES conformity. Based on those principles, ENTSO-E operates a CGMES Conformity Assessment Process in order to ensure that the CGMES is properly implemented by suppliers of the applications used by TSOs. Details on the conformity testing are available here.

The following documentation is available for CGMES version 2.4.14 approved on 5 June 2014:

For further details and any questions on the CGMES, contact cgmes@entsoe.eu