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European Transmission Tariffs

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transmission tariffs are one of the key elements of the Internal Electricity Market. There is no single ’correct solution’ for recovering costs related to electric energy transmission such as costs for infrastructure, energy losses, ancillary services, system balancing and re-dispatching, or costs not directly related to TSO activities. Different methods work side-by-side and a direct comparison of tariff rates is not possible.

ENTSO-E’s Overview of Transmission Tariffs in Europe is published annu​ally and analyses the design, structure and level of transmission tariffs in more than 30 countries. The report provides detailed descriptions of the different components that make up transmission tariffs and seeks to provide interested parties with an accessible and comparable overview of the alternative approaches used across Europe.

For more information on transmission tariffs, please contact Gerda de Jong​.

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