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TYNDP 2016 webinar: framing the future to design the next pan-European infrastructure

Date: 10/06/2015 -  


On 10 June ENTSO-E organized a webinar on scenarios with particular focus on the adequacy and TYNDP 2016 scenarios.

Will Europe be on the right track to meeting the 2050 objective of decarbonisation? Will there be stronger European cooperation on energy policies? The answers to these questions will shape Europe's electricity transmission system in the next decades.

Because the scenarios play a crucial role in developing the future pan European infrastructure, ENTSO-E involves stakeholders at a very early stage of the TYNDP development. This webinar was the third event for all interested parties to better understand, discuss and express views on them. In the webinar ENTSO-E presented the draft scenarios and answered questions like why they are used and how they are elaborated. The distinction between the scenarios that are used in the TYNDP and the scenarios used in ENTSO-E's adequacy forecast was also explained. Each of the five TYNDP 2016 scenarios was presented in detail which was followed by a questions and answers session.

This webinar was also meant to help stakeholders in answering the ENTSO-E public consultation on the TYNDP 2016 Scenario Development Report which will take place between 20 May and 22 June 2015. 

The agenda  along with the presented material can ge accessed here.


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