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New member joins ENTSO-E: OST from Albania

Published: 31/03/2017



Gathering in Brussels on 30 March 2017, ENTSO-E’s Assembly voted positively on OST becoming a full member of the association. With TEIAS in Turkey as observer member, ENTSO-E now stretches over 36 countries.


OST is already permanently synchronously connected with the TSOs of Continental Europe but has now been certified as an unbundled TSO in the same way as EU TSOs. OST thus fulfils all the conditions for becoming a full member of ENTSO-E.

“We welcome OST in the European family of TSOs. It is a positive step for more regional cooperation in Southeast Europe giving customers access to fairer prices, more choices and greater security of supply. ENTSO-E is happy to have OST on board to work on this agenda”, commented Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E Secretary General.

Mr Engjëll Zeqo, CEO of OST, is also convinced that being a member of ENSTO-E will help progress on important projects for the region and Europe. “ENTSO-E’s membership is a signal of stability, security and compliance with European standards. It will support our efforts in tackling the challenging objectives of the Third Energy Package.”

Janez KOPAČ, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, expressed his satisfaction to have the fifth out of eight TSOs from the Energy Community Contracting Parties as part of ENTSO-E. “Albania thoroughly reformed its energy sector in the last two years and is now deep in the implementation of the Third Energy Package. OST’s wish to become member of ENTSO-E was one of the drivers in this process”.

The Energy Community positive opinion on the certification of OST as an unbundled TSO was one of the conditions for ENTSO-E’s Assembly consideration of OST’s membership. This positive opinion was delivered beginning of this year.

OST as a full member will take part in the working groups, committees and Assembly meetings of ENTSO-E.