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Test report on the 1st ENTSO-E CIM for Market interoperability test is now available, registration opened for the 2nd test

Published: 19/10/2012


The interoperability test (IOP) on the CIM market information, where European transmission system operators (TSOs) and market management system (MMS) software providers participated, was the first one carried out on a CIM extension for the electricity market (IEC 62325). Its objective was to demonstrate that the IEC 62325-451-1 standard satisfies the information requirements for the acknowledgement business process in a European style market profile. The results of the test are in line with expectations and are summarized in the IOP final report which has been approved by the ENTSO-E Market Committee and concludes that:
  • The work carried out on the IEC 62325-301, “CIM extensions for market”, IEC 62325-351, “CIM European market model exchange profile” and IEC 62325-451-1, “Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market” standards, is in line with the business requirements;
  • There are no major deficiencies in the standard;
  • The standard includes all the capabilities needed to support exchanges that have already been implemented within ENTSO-E.
Following this successful first test, a second IOP test on the IEC 62325-451-2 standard is already in preparation. Scheduled to be carried out in the beginning of December 2012, its purpose is to assess the compliance of the work carried out in IEC 62325-451-2 versus the business requirements defined by ENTSO-E for the scheduling process. Its main objective is to determine whether current ENTSO-E compliant XML instances of scheduling, anomaly and confirmation reports can be processed using the XML Schema Definition (XSD) generated by CIM. In case of interest to take part in the second ENTSO-E IOP "CIM for the electricity market" please provide XML instances of the ENTSO-E ESS process (3.1, 3.3 and eventually 2.3) by 23 November 2012 to the following email address: iop.cim_market@entsoe.eu . These XML instances must not contain confidential information as they will be publicly available. Any questions on the ENTSO-E CIM for the electricity market IOP tests should be directed to: iop.cim_market@entsoe.eu For any further information, please contact Ioannis Retsoulis, Data Exchange Standards & Interoperability Advisor. Related links