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Registration Open for ENTSO-E’s Fourth CIM for Market Interoperability Test

Published: 17/10/2013


European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Market Management System (MMS) software providers are invited to participate in this 4th interoperability test (IOP) to be carried out on the CIM extension for the electricity market (IEC 62325). The test aims to demonstrate that the IEC 62325-451-4 and IEC 62325-451-5 standards satisfy the information requirements for the settlement, status request and problem statement processes in the European style market profile. The test will assess the compliance of work carried out in IEC 62325-451-4 and IEC 62325-451-5 versus the business requirements defined by ENTSO-E’s settlement (ESP), status request (ESR) and problem statement (EPS) processes. Its main objective is to determine whether current ENTSO-E compliant XML instances related to the different documents supporting the ESP, ESR and EPS processes can be processed using the XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) generated by the CIM. To take part in the 4th ENTSO-E IOP "CIM for the Electricity Market," please submit XML instances for each document supporting ENTSO-E’s ESP, ESR and EPS processes, in separate folders, by 30 November 2013 by email to: iop.cim_market@entsoe.eu. Please note that these XML instances shall not contain confidential information as the results of the IOP will be published on the ENTSO-E web site. Any questions on the ENTSO-E CIM for the Electricity Market IOP test should be directed to iop.cim_market@entsoe.eu. For any other information, please contact Ioannis Retsoulis, Data Exchange Standards & Interoperability Advisor.
Related links: • ENTSO-E Settlement Guide V1R2
• ENTSO-E Status Request V1R1
• ENTSO-E Problem Statement Guide V1R0
• CIM for Energy Markets webpage
CIM for Energy Markets IOP webpage
• Electronic Data Interchange Work Products - EDI Library
• IEC TC 57 WG 16 Deregulated energy market communications