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ENTSOs for Gas and Electricity open public stakeholder consultation on their joint TYNDP 2018 Scenario Report

Published: 02/10/2017

​​​​​For the first time both ENTSOs have joined efforts to develop a common set of scenarios, building on their combined expertise and modelling capabilities as well as on the input received from dozens of stakeholders from the industry, NGOs, National Regulatory Authorities and Member States. This co-development approach results in a set of ambitious, technically robust and equally realistic scenarios. 

The joint scenarios outline three markedly different possible paths towards a low-carbon energy system in line with EU targets. They build on innovative and challenging storylines and are complemented by an additional perspective based on the EC EUCO30 policy scenario. The TYNDPs will next assess the electricity and gas infrastructure development requirements, for society to materialise the benefits of meeting ambitious EU goals. 

"We have three different scenarios. One is looking at global climate action plans, one at a continuation of existing policies and another at a more decentralised system. All three are equally realistic and meet or exceed the European targets in terms of reduction of greenhouse gases", comments Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E Secretary General. 

Jan Ingwersen, ENTSOG General Manager, said, We see these transparent scenarios as a sound basis for our TYNDPs as well as for any party wishing to perform their own analysis of future policies, market designs or technologies​.​

The TYNDP 2018 Scenario Report (draft version) and the consultation feedback form are available from http://tyndp.entsoe.eu/​. A workshop to present the joint scenarios up to 2040 will be jointly hosted by the ENTSOs on 9 October. Registration are no longer possible but please send an email to Thanh-Thanh.LeThi@entsoe.eu​ to be put on the waiting list.

Join the consultation

​Editorial notes

ENTSOG & ENTSO-E were founded on 1 December 2009 in line with Regulation (EC) 715/2009. The current number of Members, Associated Partners and Observers of ENTSOG can be found at this link. The current number of Members and Observer Members of ENTSO-E can be found at this link.

In line with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Regulation (EC) 715/2009, the ENTSOs have the task of formulating network codes in a number of areas and of adopting various communications: a non-binding community-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan on biennial basis; Winter and Summer Supply Outlooks; common network operation tools; recommendations relating to the coordination of technical cooperation between community and third-country-TSOs; annual work programmes and annual reports.​