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Letter from ENTSO-E on Brexit to Michel Barnier and The Rt Hon David Davis MP

Published: 31/03/2017


Below follows a copy of the letter:

Brussels, 30 March 2017

Dear Mr Barnier, Dear Mr Davis,

Following the formal launch of the negotiations on the UK’s departure from the European Union (EU), ENTSO-E would like to re-affirm its commitment to a high level of European security of supply, interconnected European energy market and ensuring that the Energy Union delivers key benefits to all Europeans.

ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators, represents 43 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 36 countries across Europe. As an organisation, our key role is to facilitate the efficient flow of power across Europe so that the benefits are shared in a reduction of costs and Green House Gas emissions and a more efficient use of investments. We believe that continued co-operation between the EU and the UK post-Brexit will be beneficial in achieving these objectives and will be crucial for maintaining Europe’s unique level of security of supply.

Electricity, by its very nature, transcends borders as the physical links intimately bind the interconnected countries. It will therefore be essential to continue to foster an integrated European power system operation post- Brexit. In particular, it will be of key importance to maintain close cross-border cooperation and to ensure that the present negotiation process does not result in obstacles to the efficient exchange of power between the EU and the UK and thereby hamper security of supply.

Significant milestones have already been achieved in recent years and ENTSO-E is committed to continuing this work. All of the Electricity network codes are adopted and in the process of being implemented. As part of these developments, extremely successful measures like market coupling or joint action to trade balancing services have been initiated. These common achievements, as well as the ongoing interconnector investments across Europe, allow EU and UK citizens to benefit from a more secure, affordable and low carbon energy supply.

We would therefore encourage you to look early on the energy dimension of Brexit and ENTSO-E is ready to provide any technical and/or expert support as required.

In the interest of all Europeans, I wish you every success in the constructive negotiations to follow.

Yours sincerely,

Peder Andreasen
ENTSO-E President