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ENTSO-E large-scale CIM interoperability tests

Published: 17/07/2012

Brussels, 2012-07-2012

In RTE’ premises on 11 July 2012, ENTSO-E conducted, along with European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and market management system (MMS) software providers, a common information model (CIM) interoperability test (IOP) of the IEC 62325-451-1 standard. The 3rd ENTSO-E CIM IOP was also conducted from 9 to 13 July in ENTSO-E’ premises in Brussels with the involvement of European and American vendors and Transmission System Operators (TSOs). The IOP test on market is the first one carried out on CIM extension for electricity market (IEC 62325). The objective of this first IOP test for market exchanges was to demonstrate that the IEC 62325-451-1, “Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market”, satisfies the information requirements for the acknowledgement business process in European style market profile.
The results achieved during the test are in line with the expectations and will be published on ENTSO-E web site in the final report of the test in September 2012. Although some minor issues have been identified, it can be stated that:
  • the work carried on the IEC 62325-301, “Common information model (CIM) extensions for market”, IEC 62325-351, “CIM European market model exchange profile” and IEC 62325-451-1, “Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market” standards is in line with the business requirements;
  • there is no major deficiencies in the standard;
  • the standard version includes all the capability needed to support the already implemented exchanges.

The future ENTSO-E CIM-based data exchange format (ENTSO-E CIM profile) for grid models exchange, which complies with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) CIM standards 61970 (parts 301, 452, 453, 456, 552), was tested on a large number of products.

Alstom grid, BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner AG, CESI, DIgSILENT, DMS Group and EKC, FGH, Intercompro AG, Mikronika, Open Grid Systems, RTE, SISCO, Tractebel, VentyxABB and Grid Cloud Systems participated in the testing.

The test on exchange of power system models was carried out as a part of the ENTSO-E CIM profile development process. Key goals were to test and validate the latest IEC draft CIM standards on which the new 2nd edition of the ENTSO-E CIM Profile is based on as well as the correct implementation of the 1st edition of the ENTSO-E CIM Profile which is currently used for some of the ENTSO-E data exchanges. The implementation schedule for the ENTSO-E CIM profile that was tested is subject to ENTSO-E decision, as defined by the ENTSO-E roadmap for implementation of future updates of the data exchange format as previously announced.

ENTSO-E Network Modelling Database (NMD) involved in the tests

The recently developed ENTSO-E NMD was involved in the tests in order to improve the interoperability of CIM-based data exchanges between TSOs and the NMD platform.  All TSOs were involved in tests relating to NMD. The NMD was developed to improve TSOs’ coordinated planning of the European transmission grid. Overall, the system will contribute to higher security of supply, secure integration of renewable resources, and a reliable future-oriented grid. During the preparatory stage an additional rule set was agreed which is to be applied to the 1st edition of the ENTSO-E CIM Profile. These additional rules are mandatory and modify some of the specifications of the 1st edition of the ENTSO-E CIM Profile. Updated documentation is available.

ENTSO-E would like to thank all 60 test participants that were testing in ENTSO-E premises, and the additional 20 test participants who tested remotely as well as all individuals and organizations involved for their contributions to the ENTSO-E CIM profile development and to the interoperability tests.

Background Information: In 2009, ENTSO-E established a liaison with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 57, “Power Systems Management and associated Information Exchange”, with Working Group 16 on “Deregulated Energy Market Communication”. Since then, work was carried out to draft the IEC 62325 series of standards and in particular to define the common information model (CIM) for the electricity market (IEC 62325-301), the European style market profile (IEC 62325-351), the methodology to derive a market profile from the CIM (IEC 62325-450), and some business process such as the acknowledgement process (IEC 62325-451-1), the scheduling process (IEC 62325-451-2), etc.

First instance of contact for further information is: Chavdar Ivanov, Ph.D.
Research and Development Senior Advisor, ENTSO-E
Phone +32 2 741 09 69
Email: chavdar.ivanov(at)entsoe.eu

Related links:

CIM Webpage 
CIM Profile documentation (17 July 2012)