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Electricity data exchange platforms in Europe: no one-size-fit-all but interoperable solutions needed

Published: 07/07/2017


​The European Network for Transmission System Operators for Electricity, ENTSO-E, has commissioned a report from THEMA Consulting on the state-of-play of data exchange platforms in Europe and on recommendations for the future.

Data access and exchange is central to electricity networks’ integration cross-border but also inside systems – between customers and markets. It is also key to a more efficient use of existing infrastructure, integrating new actors and developing innovative services.

Centralised data exchange platforms emerging in Europe

The THEMA report shows that, if decentralised data exchange platforms are dominating in Europe, centralised data exchange platforms are under construction or in operations in several countries such as the Netherlands, the Nordics and Estonia.

The report insists that even if there is no one size fit all solution, Europe should not miss on opportunities to bring more benefits to customers through big data treatment. In that respect, interoperability of national platforms is needed.

More gains through central platforms?

Central solutions offer greater potential in view of larger data aggregations, economies of scale through the development of common applications and data handling solutions.

By serving both wholesale and retail, these platforms connect flexibility providers often at distribution level with market and system operators throughout the entire electricity system. This stimulates the development of demand response for instance.

The THEMA report also insists on the need to ensure the neutrality of the data exchange platforms. All existing ones involve in their governance transmission and distribution system operators as well as third parties.

Commenting on the publication of the THEMA report, Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E Secretary General, said “this report is a good basis for developing a customer-friendly electricity system that will deliver more growth, lower emissions and trigger innovation. We are keen on continuing working with partners such as EDSO for Smart Grids and Smart Energy Demand Coalition and all other organisations sharing our will to enable change”.

ENTSO-E and THEMA have organised a webinar on the findings of the report on 13 September.​

More details to be published nearer the date on www.entsoe.eu.

Executive SummaryDownload the report Join the webinar