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Decision on the second edition of the ENTSO-E Common Information Model (CIM) profile. Registration for the ENTSO-E Interoperability Test "CIM for System Development and Operations" 2012 and "CIM for Energy Market" 2012 opened.

Published: 13/12/2011

Brussels, 2011-12-13

​​Although ENTSO-E is confident that the draft version of the 2nd edition of the ENTSO-E CIM profile is in line with the development of the future TSO data exchanges, ENTSO-E believes that it is appropriate to fully complete the migration of all TSO processes to the first edition of the CIM profile before approving its 2nd edition. For the time being ENTSO-E is requesting that vendors primarily support the first ENTSO-E CIM profile in all tools used by ENTSO-E TSOs.

ENTSO-E TSOs are committed to finalizing the migration to the 1st edition of the ENTSO-E CIM profile by mid-2012 for Day Ahead Congestion Forecast (DACF) process and by 31 Dec 2011 for planning exchanges. The 2nd edition of the ENTSO-E CIM profile is currently still under development. 

The next decision on implementation of the 2nd edition of the ENTSO-E CIM profile will be made in October/ November 2012. This decision will take place after the ENTSO-E CIM Interoperability Tests (IOP) in 2012. The function of the IOP is to demonstrate the interoperability of the ENTSO-E CIM-based data exchange format and the IEC CIM-based standard taking into account all changes proposed to be included in the updated CIM standard. ENTSO-E is committed to addressing TSOs’ needs in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards and to continue to support the CIM development. ENTSO-E requests standardization bodies to ensure that the CIM development is based on a stable roadmap which takes into account backwards compatibility between all CIM versions. 

The association supports further development of CIM functionalities such as dynamics, high-voltage direct current (HVDC), wind modelling and insists that the core of the load flow exchange defined in IEC CIM version 15 should be kept stable as long as possible. This aspect will play an important role in the decision process of the use of the draft IEC CIM version 16 and next CIM versions as a core of the ENTSO-E CIM profile. The registration for the

ENTSO-E IOP "CIM for System Development and Operations" 2012 is now open. Vendors are requested to register by sending the registration form  to cim.iop@entsoe.eu before Monday 16 January 2012, 17:00h CET.

The first ENTSO-E IOP "CIM for Energy Market" is likely to be held in 2012. Additional details and confirmations on this IOP will be provided in 2012. In case of interest please register by sending the registration form  to cim.iop@entsoe.eu before Monday 16 January 2012, 17:00h CET.

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Any questions on the ENTSO-E CIM IOPs should in the first instance be directed to: info@entsoe.eu​