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[Regions] Coreso and TSCNET Services sign Cooperation Framework Agreement

Published: 12/06/2017

Brussels, Belgium / Munich, Germany

12 June 2017, for immediate release

Brussels, Belgium / Munich, Germany – The two European Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) Coreso and TSCNET Services have concluded a Cooperation Framework Agreement aimed at strengthening their cooperation in assisting transmission system operators (TSOs) in their task of maintaining the operational security of the electricity system. Under this arrangement following the “System Operations Guideline” proposed by the European Commission and approved by the Member States, Coreso and TSCNET agree to set up an efficient cooperation structure and to work out initiatives to mainly

  • share existing tools, methods, and procedures of either Coreso or TSCNET

  • operate services alternately or cooperatively

  • jointly optimise services and tools for TSOs and to develop new ones.

The agreement paves the way for the two service companies representing 18 TSOs from 15 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) to further enhance coordination at a regional level.

“TSCNET has already worked closely with Coreso, and I’m delighted to further strengthen our partnership,” said Siem Bruijns, Managing Director at TSCNET Services. “The agreement greatly increases our potential for positive outcomes for security and efficiency of the power system in Europe. It is essential to make the best use of generation facilities, and to establish a framework through which we can more easily collaborate and share information.”

The CEO of Coreso, Jean-François Gahungu, explained: “The role of Regional Security Coordinators is to provide coordination services to Transmission System Operators. Therefore, the establishment of this partnership is an important milestone. Indeed, it will enable an efficient cooperation between our two companies and will contribute to enhance the services we provide to TSOs to help them maintaining the operational security of the electricity system. As our on-going commitment is to always improve our coordination services, I am convinced this partnership will constitute a good way to foster efficiency.”

Europe’s RSC model The European energy system is characterised by a steadily growing share of renewable energies. The situation necessitates a deep coordination between operators facilitated by RSCs. As an essential feature of the European power system, RSCs enable TSOs to better identify threats to secure system operations and to adjust measures to mitigate these risks. Coreso and TSCNET Services were the first RSCs set up. By the end of 2017, the whole European grid should be covered by a total of six RSCs.

RSCs perform services for the TSOs, such as operational planning security analysis, outage planning coordination, coordinated capacity calculation, short-term and very short-term adequacy forecasts, and a common grid model with hourly updates. The RSCs’ work increases efficiency in system operation, minimises risks of wide area events, such as brownouts or blackouts, and lower costs through maximised availability of transmission capacity to market participants.

About Coreso SA

As a Regional Security Coordinator (RSC), Coreso assists HV trans- mission system operators (TSOs) to ensure security of supply in Europe. Accordingly, Coreso collaborates with the TSOs and other RSCIs and develops and performs operational planning activities involving the analysis and coordination of the European regional electricity grid, focussing on coordination services ranging from several days ahead until close to real time. Its shareholders are the HV transmission system operators Elia (Belgium), RTE (France), National Grid (UK), Terna (Italy), 50Hertz (Germany), REE (Spain), and REN (Portugal).

For further information, visit the website at: www.coreso.eu

About TSCNET Services GmbH

The company based in Munich, Germany, is a joint venture of the thirteen transmission system operators (TSOs) from ten European countries: Austria (APG), Croatia (HOPS), Czechia (ČEPS), Denmark (Energinet.dk), Germany (50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT, and Transnet-BW), Hungary (MAVIR), the Netherlands (TenneT), Poland (PSE), Slovenia (ELES), and Switzerland (Swissgrid). It launched in 2013 and provides integrated services for TSOs and their control centres as a Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) based on the laws and policies of the European Union – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

For further information, visit the website at: www.tscnet.eu