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A First International Standard on a CIM-Based Business Process for Energy Markets

Published: 04/10/2013

The Framework for energy market communications – Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market (IEC 62325-451-1), targets the acknowledgement business process within Europe’s IEM and  based on interoperability (IOP) tests conducted by ENTSO-E in June and December 2012, includes all capability needed to support the already implemented exchanges for the acknowledgement business process implemented within ENTSO-E.


Since 2009, ENTSO-E has supported the integration, at an International level, of Member TSOs’ business requirements and use cases into the Common Information Model (CIM), and contributions to its further development. For market-related exchanges, this has been accomplished through ENTSO-E’s liaison with IEC TC 57’s WG 16. The International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 57 (Power System Management and Associated Information Exchange) is currently developing the IEC 62325 series of standards for the exchange of data required by deregulated energy markets.

The Working Group 16, Deregulated Energy Markets is developing these standards, which act as a framework for energy market communications encompassing two styles of markets, the European-Style markets and North American-Style markets. For Europe’s internal electricity market (IEM) the IEC 62325-351, the “CIM European market model exchange profile” International Standard and the set of the IEC 62325-451-‘X’ standards, which are based on this CIM profile and target specific business processes, are being maintained and developed.


ENTSO-E thanks its Members for their support in bringing TSO requirements into the CIM, working towards the harmonisation and implementation of standardised electronic data interchange.

For further information on the CIM for the electricity market and ENTSO-E’s related activities, please contact Ioannis Retsoulis, Data Exchange Standards & Interoperability Advisor.

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