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Synchronisation of the Baltic States: ENTSO-E kicks off a first technical study

Published: 03/10/2017

​Today, Baltic States are synchronised with the IPS/UPS system from Russia and Belorussia. Several direct current interconnections link them also to the Nordic synchronous area and to Poland. The Baltic States have expressed their wish to be part of the Continental European synchronous area by 2025. A recent agreement among all concerned parties sees the synchronisation move one step further. 

On 29 September 2017, representatives of the Polish and Baltic transmission system operators – PSE, Litgrid, AST and Elering - met in Poland to start the first technical study on the Baltic States' synchronization with the system of Continental Europe. This study is related to the dynamic stability of the interconnection. It is expected that the results will be available by spring 2018. 

Apart from technical matters, the synchronisation of the Baltic States involves numerous political issues, such as the connection of Kaliningrad. These are on the agenda of the involved policy makers and most notably of the European Commission. ENTSO-E as a technical organisation is not taking any political positions.