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Med-TSO and ENTSO-E map: more than 400 000 km of interconnected power networks in the Euro-Mediterranean

Published: 26/02/2018



Med-TSO (the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators for electricity, operating the High Voltage Transmission Networks of 18 Mediterranean Countries), and ENTSO-E (the European Network of Transmission System Operators) publish the first joint map of their interconnected electricity transmission networks.

The map covers the 300 000 km of grids operated by ENTSO-E members and 400 000 km of grids operated by Med-TSO members (some of it overlapping). It took two years to produce this accurate and exhaustive overview of transmission grids in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

“We are really proud about this result”,  commented Angelo Ferrante, Secretary General of Med-TSO. “It is in line with our mission which is about fostering the dialogue in the Mediterranean Region and promoting the development of an integrated Mediterranean Electricity System. This map represents a concrete result in the spirit of our Association that intends to act as a bridge between Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East”.

“Our cooperation with Med-TSO goes well beyond this Euro-Mediterranean grid map. However, it is a very nice symbol of the work that both organisations have jointly developed. ENTSO-E is working with several other TSO organisations within and outside of Europe. This is very enriching and serves all electricity customers through best practice and information sharing”, added Laurent Schmitt, ENTSO-E Secretary General.

The map can be consulted online in the Med-TSO area and on the ENTSO-E website, where it can also be ordered.