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First edition of the bidding zone review open for public consultation

Published: 12/02/2018




As outlined in the EU regulation on capacity allocation and congestion management, the First Edition of the Bidding Zone Review, and the proposal of maintaining or amending the bidding zone configuration resulting thereof, is reserved to and delivered by the transmission system operators (TSOs) participating in the review. 

The First Edition of the Bidding Zone Review of the participating TSOs is now open for public consultation until 9 March and in this context a public workshop is organised on 15 February. As a facilitator of the process supporting the participating TSOs in the project, ENTSO-E will host the public consultation on its consultation hub and the public workshop in its premises. 

The participating TSOs will consider comments received before publishing the final version of the First Edition of the Bidding Zone Review that will include their recommendation on bidding zone configuration. Their recommendation will be addressed to the member states concerned which then have six months to reach an agreement on whether to maintain or to amend the bidding zone configuration.​

Members of the press are kindly asked to send their questions to media@entsoe.eu. Stakeholders should directly refer to the Bidding Zone Review Consultation Page.​

​Agenda available ​on this link
