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ENTSO-E and Energy Community agree to strengthen cooperation on regional investment planning

Published: 12/05/2017


The Energy Community Secretariat hosted the ENTSO-E System Development Committee, Regional Group Continental South East meeting on 11 May at its premises in Vienna. The meeting served to strengthen the cooperation between the Secretariat and the ENTSO-E Regional Group Continental South East (CSE), especially regarding regional investment planning and the selection of priority infrastructure projects.

The meeting was dedicated to the preparation of the pan-EU Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2018, Seasonal Outlook Reports and Regional Investment Plan (RgIP) for 2017, in the preparation of which the Secretariat will be actively involved. The implementation of Third Energy Package Network Codes and the integration of the SECI TSP (South East Cooperation Initiative for Transmission System Planning) working group into the organisational structure of the Regional Group Continental South East (CSE) were also discussed. The Group comprises the transmission system operators of six Contracting Parties (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and eight EU Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovenia).

The Energy Community Secretariat hosted the ENTSO-E System Development Committee, Regional Group Continental South East meeting on 11 May at its premises in Vienna. The meeting served to strengthen the cooperation between the Secretariat and the ENTSO-E Regional Group Continental South East (CSE), especially regarding regional investment planning and the selection of priority infrastructure projects. The meeting was dedicated to the preparation of the pan-EU Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2018, Seasonal Outlook Reports and Regional Investment Plan (RgIP) for 2017, in the preparation of which the Secretariat will be actively involved. The implementation of Third Energy Package Network Codes and the integration of the SECI TSP (South East Cooperation Initiative for Transmission System Planning) working group into the organisational structure of the Regional Group Continental South East (CSE) were also discussed. The Group comprises the transmission system operators of six Contracting Parties (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and eight EU Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovenia).

Mr Nebojsa Vucinic, Regional Group CSE Convener, expressed the readiness of ENTSO-E and at the same time the necessity for closer cooperation between the Energy Community Secretariat and ENTSO-E’s Regional Group CSE in order to optimise and align the processes related to the assessment of candidates for Projects of Community Interest (PCIs) in the EU and Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) in the Energy Community. “ A year ago, we could not have imagined that the Regional Group CSE would put such a focus on the PECI/PMI projects, which are of paramount importance for all bordering EU member States and Energy Community Contracting Parties. Closer cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat has become absolutely indispensable ,” Mr Vucinic said.

Meeting documents and photo gallery

Origially posted on Energy Community website