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ENTSO-E Conducts Fifth CIM Interoperability Test

Published: 04/08/2014

Brussels, 2014-08-04

Over 60 experts representing suppliers and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) took part in the test which had three main objectives:

  • To validate the test configurations (test data) which will be used for version 2.4.14 of the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES);
  • To resolve reported issues related to version 2.4 of the CGMES;
  • To discuss ENTSO-E extensions applicable to the future version of the CGMES. This development is necessary to satisfy the requirements as defined in the European network codes.

The following suppliers and TSOs, involved in developing applications which support the CGMES, participated in the interoperability test (IOP): Alstom Grid; CESI; DIgSILENT; ESO EAD; FGH GmbH; NEPLAN; Nexant; Open Grid Systems; PSE Innowacje; PSI AG; RTE; SEDMS&EKC; Siemens AG; Siemens PTI; SISCO; Tractebel; Unicorn Systems and; Ventyx/ABB.

Crucially, the interoperability test validated the test configurations to be used in version 2.4.14 of the CGMES conformity. These test configurations are available here.
Suppliers of applications supporting version 2.4.14 of the CGMES are requested to use the available documentation and test configurations to submit their Declaration of Conformity. ENTSO-E will now organise review sessions in accordance with the processes as defined in the CGMES conformity assessment scheme.

During the interoperability test, a number of issues relating to version 2.4.14 of the CGMES were successfully resolved. The updated CGMES (version 2.4.15) is expected to be approved by ENTSO-E and will be made available on this website mid-August 2014.

Initial discussions on the functionalities required for version 2.5 of the CGMES also took place during the IOP. Based on the recommendations made, ENTSO-E will continue to develop the CGMES and prepare an interoperability test to assess the proposed future version.

A finalised IOP report, summarising outcomes of the test, will be made available in September 2014.

For further information, please contact cgmes@entsoe.eu  

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