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All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology

Published: 10/01/2018


​​​​All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology According to Article 156(11) of the SOGL, the TSOs of the Continental Europe and Nordic synchronous areas should propose the assumptions and the methodology for a CBA to be conducted in order to assess the time period required for FCR providing units or groups with limited energy reservoirs to remain available during alert state. The proposal should be submitted to regulatory authorities by 6 months after entry into force of the SOGL and is subject to public consultation according to the SOGL.

The public consultation on the CBA proposal launched on 10 January 2018 and closes on 18 February 2018.

The consultation proposal and all supporting documents are available through the ENTSO-E consultation hub.

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