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ENTSOs joint report on European Scenarios for gas & electricity now finalised

Published: 30/03/2018


ENTSO-E and ENTSOG have today published the finalised joint Scenario Report for TYNDP 2018.

​To build their EU-wide network development plans (TYNDPs), the ENTSOs for gas and electricity, ENTSOG and ENTSO-E, develop robust and ambitious scenarios that describe Europe's energy system up to 2040. These scenarios have largely been consulted with representatives of the industry, NGOs, National Regulatory Authorities and Member States.

For the 2018 editions of their TYNDPs, the ENTSOs will for the first time use common scenarios that are now finalised after having been put to public consultation. These joint scenarios outline three markedly different possible paths towards a low-carbon energy system in line with EU targets. They build on innovative and challenging storylines and are complemented by an additional perspective based on the European Commission EUCO30 policy scenario.

Jan Ingwersen, ENTSOG General Manager, said, "We see these transparent scenarios as a sound basis for our TYNDPs as well as for any party wishing to perform their own analysis of future policies, market designs or technologies".

"Framing uncertainties is key for policy makers, investors and many businesses. Our scenarios are exactly about that. This is why we want to take initiatives to increase their usability as we see their relevance for many other parts of society", Laurent Schmitt, Secretary General, ENTSO-E.

The scenarios highlight the role of consumers in achieving decarbonisation, together with the smart integration of the electricity, gas, heating and transport systems.

Following the consultation, the ENTSOs have endeavoured where possible to incorporate the feedback collected for the 2018 TYNPDs. All other input will be considered with the aim of enhancing the next set of scenarios. The TYNDPs will next assess the electricity and gas infrastructure development requirements needed in order to meet the EU climate and energy goals: sustainability, security of supply and market competition.

The TYNDP 2018 Scenario Report is available here.

Should you require any further information please contact Carmel Carey (+32 2 894 5136, carmel.carey@entsog.eu) and Claire Camus (+32 476 97 50 93 cca@entsoe.eu).


Editorial notes

  • ENTSOG & ENTSO-E were founded on 1 December 2009 in line with Regulation (EC) 715/2009. The current number of Members, Associated Partners and Observers of ENTSOG can be found at this link. The current number of Members and Observer Members of ENTSO-E can be found at this link.
  • In line with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Regulation (EC) 715/2009, the ENTSOs have the task of formulating network codes in a number of areas and of adopting various communications: a non-binding community-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan on biennial basis; Winter and Summer Supply Outlooks; common network operation tools; recommendations relating to the coordination of technical cooperation between community and third-country-TSOs; annual work programmes and annual reports.