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Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2014

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The TYNDP 2014 explains how ENTSO-E proposes to integrate by 2030 up to 60% of renewable energy, respecting cost-efficiency and security through the planned strengthening of Europe's electricity power grid.

The complete TYNDP package consists of eight documents: the TYNDP 2014 full report, six detailed Regional Investment Plans and the Scenario Outlook and Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) 2014-2030, along with the Comments Summary and the Comments Compilation.

The TYNDP was produced over two years of study and work and close engagement with various institutions and stakeholder organisations. A web-based public consultation on the reports was held from10 July until 20 September 2014, which supported the finalisation of the TYNDP 2014 package.

ENTSO-E submitted the TYNDP 2014 package to ACER for Opinion on 31 October 2014 in line with Regulation (EC) 714/2009. ACER submitted its Opinion on 4 February 2015, pointing mainly at further improvements to be made in terms of processes.

TYNDP 2014 Documents


​Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2014 - Full Report ​PDF
Regional Investment Plan Continental South WestPDF
Regional Investment Plan Continental Central SouthPDF
​Regional Investment Plan Continental South EastPDF
Regional Investment Plan Continental Central EastPDF
​Regional Investment Plan Baltic SeaPDF
Regional Investment Plan North Sea ​PDF
​Scenario Outlook and Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) 2014-2030 ​PDF
​Consultation comments summary report ​PDF
​Consultation comments compilation table ​XLS

 TYNDP 2014 - Projects and assessment results


​TYNDP 2014 - Data and maps

Further useful material  

Key findings of the TYNDP 2014

  • Renewables: RES development is the major driver for grid development until 2030. The generation fleet will experience a major shift by 2030, with the replacement of much of the existing capacities with new ones, most likely located differently and farther from load centres, and involving high RES development. Projects of pan-European significance help avoid 30 to 100 TWh of RES spillage globally, reducing it to less than 1% of the total supply. Liquidity in power markets will thus be enhanced, thereby limiting the volatility of prices.
  • Interconnection capacity boost: The TYNDP 2014 pinpoints about 100 spots on the European grid where bottlenecks exist or may develop in the future if reinforcement solutions are not implemented. The most critical area of concern is the stronger market integration to mainland Europe of the four main "electric peninsulas" in Europe. Interconnection capacity must double on average throughout Europe by 2030.
  • Benefit to consumer bills: Total investment costs for the portfolio of projects of pan-European significance amount to approximately €150 billion, of which €50 billion relates to subsea cables. This effort represents very significant financial engagement for TSOs. However, it only represents about 1.5-2 €/MWh of power consumption in Europe, i.e. about 2% of the bulk power prices or approximately 1% of the total electricity bill. Additionally, through the implementation of projects of pan-European significance, the increased market integration leads to an overall levelling of electricity prices in Europe, mitigating electricity prices on average from 2 to 5 €/MWh (depending on the energy scenario).
  • Environmental attention: The electricity grid has an indirect, but vital positive effect on CO2 emissions as it is a prerequisite to the implementation of clean generation technologies. By either directly connecting RES, avoiding spillage or enabling more climate-friendly units to run, the TYNDP 2014 project portfolio contributes directly to approximately 20% of the CO2 decrease by 2030. Grid extensions foreseen in the TYNDP represent an increase in the total network length of 1%/yr. This figure is relatively low when compared to the 3% to 5%/yr generation capacity growth rate. Moreover, one third of these new grid assets are subsea and about 10% are upgrades of existing equipment. TSOs optimise the routes to avoid interference with urbanised or protected areas as much as possible.
  • Europe's technical leadership: Investment needs call for appropriate grid reinforcement solutions, adapted to each specific situation. Project designs are thus built on cutting-edge technologies, some of which are demonstrators of new technology and world firsts. For instance, the largest DC VSC equipment, the longest AC cable route, DC and AC parallel operation, etc. The further development of smart grids, with the latest electronic tools and IT systems, helps to optimise the operation of existing assets, to monitor, forecast and control distributed RES and load management.
  • Future energy policies: The resilience of the project portfolio opens a large choice of options to fulfil European energy policy goals. Thousands of market situations considering all possible hazards that could adversely affect the power system have been simulated and processed for the TYNDP 2014. Both frequent and rare situations were analysed under all four contrasting Visions for 2030. The TYNDP 2014  thus paves the way for the implementation of the 2050 European energy goals.

Improvements to the TYNDP 2014 Process and Deliverables​

  • ​Longer time horizon 
    The TYNDP 2014 looks at network development up to 2030. This bridges the gap between the EU 2020 and 2050 energy targets.
  • ​​New procedure on inclusion of third party projects in the 2014 TYNDP
    The TYNDP 2014 includes a new version of the Procedure for the inclusion of third party projects for transmission and storage, based on comments and suggestions received from stakeholders, ACER, and the EC.
  • ​Creation of the Long-Term Development Stakeholder Group 
    This group works towards improving the TYNDP outcome, but responsibilities of the group may evolve with time. Visit the Long-Term Development Stakeholder Group page for more information on the group’s activities and related material.
  • ​Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) methodology
    This methodology updates ENTSO-E’s Guidelines for Grid Development to comply with the requirements of the TEN-E Regulation, to ensure a common framework for multi-criteria cost benefit analysis for candidate Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), and other projects falling within the scope of the TYNDP. For more information, please visit the CBA methodology page.

For further information on the Ten-Year Network Development Plan process and related activities, please contact Irina Minciuna



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