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Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology CBA 1.0 for TYNDP Project Assessment

​As requested by the Regulation (EU) ​​No 347/2013​, ENTSO-E elaborated a cost and benefit analysis methodology (CBA) to assess the transmission and storage infrastructure projects included in the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP).

The CBA was drafted by ENTSO-E after consultation with stakeholders. It was then sent to ACER and the European Commission for opinion and to member states for information. Following the opinions received, the CBA methodology was revised and finally adopted by the Commission early 2015.

Each project included in the TYNDP is assessed using the pan-European CBA methodology. As such the benefit of each TYNDP project is assessed against nine indicators ranging from socio-economic welfare to environmental impact.


Important information relating to the CBA can be found in:

For further information. Your contact person for the CBA in ENTSO-E is Irina Minciuna

CBA Stakeholder Interaction

7/13 - 15/09/13

Consultation: Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Methodology

Evaluation of comments 


2nd Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology Workshop



1st Cost Benefit Analysis Workshop
