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The Ten-Year Network Development Plan

​Do you know how to reduce the bulk price of electricity by 5 €/MWh and integrate up to 60% of electricity produces from renewable energy source into the EU grid? Answers to these questions and many more can be found in the only existing pan-European network development plan, the TYNDP.

Long-term network development plan is one of the core missions of any transmission system operator (TSO). It allows them to tailor grids to the evolution of demand and generation, securing an affordable supply of energy for customers in the next decades.

Since 2009 the European legislator has tasked ENTSO-E with the delivery of a European network development plan which builds on national plans and includes specific regional investment plans. Having a European approach to grid planning ensures consistency and cost-efficiency.

Without a well-functioning market, adapted legislation and the proper infrastructure in place, Europe cannot guarantee the decarbonisation of its economy, the development of its internal energy market and its security of supply. The TYNDP is thus key to many of Europe’s economic, climate and energy objectives.

Each TYNDP takes two years to complete. The first edition was issued in 2010. The latest available one is the TYNDP 2014. The next edition, the TYNDP 2016, is due in June 2016.


For more information on the TYNDP and the corresponding drafting process please contact Irina Minciuna.