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TYNDPs and Projects of Common Interests

​​The Regulation ​(EU) No 347/2013 states that the Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) are selected from the TYNDP list of transmission and storage projects. It is the European Commission and not ENTSO-E who selects and adopts the list of PCIs. The PCIs follow a separate process from that of the TYNDP.

Annex III 2(3) of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure stipulates that “…for all … Union lists adopted, proposed electricity transmission and storage projects … shall be part of the latest available 10-year network development plan for electricity, developed by the ENTSO for Electricity….”


This means that a promoter willing to have a project labelled as PCI first needs to apply for the project to be included in ENTSO-E’s TYNDP. For example, only projects which are listed in the upcoming TYNDP 2016 will be considered by the Commission for its 2017 PCI list.

Regulation (EC) 714/2009 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity -defining the ENSTO-E legal mandates- gives to the TYNDP a wider scope: to provide a transparent picture of the European electricity transmission network in order to support decision-makers with regard to grid investment at regional and European level.

The PCI process is led by the European Commission.
Please visit the EC website for information on how to submit an application for the PCIs.​