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Transparency Platform Project (2013-2014)

A Commitment to Market Transparency

Since 2006, European transmission system operators (TSOs) have provided voluntary fundamental market information on a transparency platform, publishing data on load, generation, outages and balancing. 

Following the publication of the Transparency Regulation in June 2013, ENTSO-E was formally mandated to develop and operate a new Central Information Transparency Platform as well as a Manual of Procedures (MoP); providing the necessary technical information to primary data owners, data providers, TSOs and end users.

Due to the significant increase in data required by the Transparency Regulation, ENTSO-E’s existing transparency platform, entsoe.net, was replaced.


The Project Timeline

ENTSO-E began the scoping and development of the new platform since the release of the ERGEG Guidelines in 2010 and after the Transparency Regulation was finalised and entered into force in June 2013, a final specification could be made. Stakeholders have been actively engaged in the development of the Manual of Procedures throughout 2013 before submission to ACER in October 2013 and publication of the first final version in April 2014.

Data providers initiated work on local IT projects to supply the central platform with the required data before the testing of the system began in September 2014. The central platform went live on 5 January 2015.


The Manual of Procedures

The Manual of Procedures, a technical guide outlining formats and criteria for data submission and use, was developed throughout 2013 following discussions with stakeholders, a public consultation and review by ACER. ENTSO-E published the first version in April 2014 and will make any amendments or additions when necessary.


Stakeholder Interaction

ENTSO-E began development of the new central information platform since the release of the ERGEG guidelines in 2010 and TSOs and other data providers initiated work on local IT projects to supply the platform with data. ENTSO-E launched a stakeholder expert group, following a call for nominations, to develop the manual of procedures.

Stakeholder Expert Meetings





23/05/135th MeetingAgenda
23/04/134th MeetingMinutesAgenda
31/03/133rd MeetingAgenda
28/02/132nd MeetingMinutesAgenda
31/01/131st MeetingMinutesAgenda

Public Stakeholder Workshops





18/07/132nd Transparency Public Stakeholder WorkshopAgendaPresentation
31/01/131st Transparency Public Stakeholder WorkshopAgendaPresentations

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