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Statistical Database

​​​​Power Statistics (New)

Data from January 2016 is now available through the Power Statistics section. The data contained on these pages (up to December 2015) will be archived and made available to download in December prior to the decommissioning of the data portal.


​​The ENTSO-E statistical database encompasses a range of historical data sets regarding power systems of ENTSO-E member TSOs. Following the merging of former TSOs’ associations in 2009, ENTSO-E has become the single data competence centre of the European electricity transmission systems.

Please note that the available data provided by the database queries for the year 2009 and before only comprises information of member TSOs of the Continental Europe region (former UCTE). Consolidated data including all ENTSO-E members is available since January 2010.

Select a link from the right-hand menu to display the pre-defined queries.


Statistical data from other ENTSO-E predecessors is currently only available from earlier published reports. To access that data, please consult the corresponding section under publications:

To report on those cases where the situation of a given country does not match the definitions provided on the document Guidelines for Monthly Statistics Data Collection and on the ENTSO-E Metadata Repository, a document on specific national considerations is made available.

This includes specifications relating to the geographical perimeter (when data is collected on a perimeter that does not exactly correspond to the perimeter of the country), representativity (when the data delivered does not represent 100% of a given geographical perimeter, but only a part of it), and other aspects concerning quality, availability and interpretation of data.

The document is updated on a regular basis, the last version dates of 19 December 2014 and can be viewed from the link below: