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EEGI - The European Electricity Grid Initiative

EEGI is one of the European Industrial Initiatives under the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan).  The EEGI mission is to create an adequate European grid (both transmission and distribution systems), to achieve the European energy policy goals.

ENTSO-E is a key member and coordinator of the transmission R&D component of the EEGI Roadmap and Implementation Plan. Other members include the European Distribution System Operators’ Association for Smart Grids (EDSO-SG) which coordinates the distribution  component of the EEGI Roadmap, and Member States and other stakeholders.

The EEGI strategic objectives are:

  • to transmit and distribute up to 35% of electricity from dispersed and concentrated renewable energy sources by 2020, and a completely decarbonised electricity production by 2050;
  • to integrate national networks into a market-based, truly pan-European network, to guarantee a high-quality of electricity supply to all customers and to engage them as active participants in energy efficiency;
  • to anticipate new developments such as the electrification of transport;
  • to substantially reduce capital and operational expenditure for the operation of the networks while fulfilling the objectives of a high-quality, low-carbon, pan-European, market-based electricity system.

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