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Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools

TDX ASSIST project aims to enhance TSO-DSO coordination tools, implement novel features for ICT Tools and techniques and enhance market participants, all through deployment, testing and evaluation. Under the coordination of Brunel University of London and with the participation of several countries of the European Union, the project is totally driven for the integration of the European energy system.

ENTSO-E is a key participant of the TDX ASSIST project. The objects are:

  • Improve information exchange between TSOs and DSOs based on use cases and IEC standards;
  • Novel scalable tools, to receive new users and increasingly larger volumes of information and data, with protection against external threats and attacks, to enable information exchange and communication based on existing and emerging smart grid ICT standards.
  • Improve DSOs and market interaction and build a market portal, based on Transparency Platform;
  • Testing and evaluation of use cases, processes and interoperability.​​


  • http://www.brunel.ac.uk/
  • https://www.eles.si/en/TDX-ASSIST-project