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European Transmission System Operators (ETSO)

Upon the emergence of the Internal Electricity Market (IEM) in the European Union, the leaders of ATSOI, UKTSOA, Nordel and UCTE recognised the need for an EU-wide harmonisation of network access and conditions for usage, especially for cross-border electricity trade .

In 1999, ETSO was created as an association with the four above-mentioned associations as founding members. However, on 29 June 2001 ETSO became an International Association with direct membership of 32 independent TSO companies from the 15 countries of the European Union plus Norway and Switzerland. Before its activities were transferred to ENTSO-E, ETSO represented 40 Transmission System Operator member companies. ETSO pursued scientific aims on a non-profit basis and had the following objectives:
  • The study and development of common principles regarding the harmonisation and establishment of rules in order to enhance network operation and maintain transmission system security; 
  • Facilitate the internal European market for electricity;
  • The communication and co-operation with organizations and institutions having similar objects;
  • The investigation and solution of scientific and regulatory issues of common interest to the TSO industry.

On 1 July 2009 ETSO was wound up. All operational tasks were transferred to ENTSO-E.

Within this area you find assembled the publications that have been produced under the label of ETSO. Please select the publication you are interested in from the navigation on the right.