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COP 23 side-event: Active customers enabling COP 23

Date: 17/11/2017 - Bonn, Germany


While climate change is a major global concern, many citizens believe that they are not able to contribute to its mitigation, or, worse, that the climate agenda is a matter of a closed political and technical constituency they don't belong to. How can citizens, customers, be empowered and participate in the mitigation of climate change? What incentives are needed, what communication tools, what information as to curb the trend? Are citizens aware, and have the technical means to see their individual carbon footprint? How can customers drive the agenda and make a difference?


ENTSO-E, together with IRENA, BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation, WindEurope and the start-up Tomorrow, will use this session to present climate tools and concrete examples for engagement.


Download the agenda