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3rd International Conference Grid Integration of Offshore Wind Energy 2014, Bremen

Date: 28/01/2014 -  


Advanced offshore HVDC and AC technologies and latest developments of harmonising offshore grid code requirements

Grid integration of offshore wind energy is a complex and challenging process. A lot of the technologies involved are still in the fledgling stages and harmonised grid code requirements are waiting to be defined. Meet utilities, TSOs and manufacturers from the European offshore wind industry at this IQPC networking event and gain insight from best practices into the latest technological solutions and lessons learned.
A focused two-day conference + workshop day, and in-depth discussions with industry peers.

  • Learn how the requirements of ENTSO-E and CENELEC’s guideline will impact the industry
  • Gain insight into best practices from European offshore grid integration projects
  • Learn about latest technologies and tools for efficient grid integration
  • Understand how rejected technologies should be reconsidered as solutions for efficient grid integration
  • Evaluate strategies for a cost efficient and timely connection to the grid 
Benefit from Interactive Workshops
  • Impacts of ENTSO-E requirements – Challenges for the manufacturing industry
  • Connecting the grid - Challenges and requirements for safe grid integration
  • Rethinking a rejected technology – Chances and limitations for 16.7HZ
  • Utilities, TSOs and wind turbine manufacturers – Efficient interface management
For more information and registration, please visit the Grid Integration of Offshore Wind Energy website