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Developing Cost Efficient Electronic Data Interchange

​​​​Cost efficient and reliably functioning electronic data exchanges in the context of achieving EU Energy policy goals are required to:
  • Facilitate the formation of a well functioning liberalised and harmonised European internal energy market (IEM), both wholesale and retail.
  • Enable smart grid deployment to:
      o Facilitate demand participation into the different market timeframes and ancillary services;
      o Facilitate the integration of renewables by balancing the fluctuations they bring into the grid;
      o Contribute to security of supply and generation adequacy.
  • Further enhance cooperation between all the different market parties.

Harmonisation and implementation of standardised and reliably functioning electronic data exchanges contribute to these objectives, and common business process descriptions and a harmonized role model are therefore necessary. In formats which are easily understood and implemented by the software industry, ENTSO-E’s Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Working Group develops and maintains the detailed descriptions of these processes and model, partially in collaboration with other electricity and gas associations and through liaison with European and international standardisation bodies.

For more information on electronic data interchange, please contact Olivier Aine.

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